Why Stretch?
We believe there are many aspects of taking care of your body, but one aspect often neglected is stretching.
Did you know:
-a stiff and tight thoracic/scapular region, combined with a tight over activated upper trap and a weak lower trap, can cause shoulder impingement and neck strain?
-a tight hip flexor muscle, combined with weak abdominals and gluts, can set you up for back pain?
-a tight quad and IT band, combined with weak gluts and poor hip knee angle mechanics, can set you up for knee pain?
-a tight gastrocnemius, combined with poor shoe wear and poor walking mechanics, can set you up for plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis?
These are all reasons we believe stretching is a vital part of taking care of your body. Also, as you can see, your aches and pains can be multi-factorial, which makes it even more important to come in to see us for proper screening and treatment.
Compared to other stretch based clinics, STRETCH-n-GO clinics are physical therapist designed. We combine the assessment and treatment of muscle, joint, and mechanics. Not only do we assess the structure at fault, but can also look at the mechanics and contributory factors involved to identify the source of the issue. With this well rounded approach, we are confident we can meet your needs.
Who would benefit most from STRETCH-n-GO?
With our strong background in anatomy, mechanics, and patho-mechanics: we work well with a range of injuries and a range of people from all walks of life: from the shoulder injuries sustained by the overhead athlete like baseball players and swimmers, to the hip/knee/ankle injuries sustained by basketball and soccer players, to the back/hip/knee injuries sustained by golfers; and even the repetitive strain injuries sustained by the manufacturing worker or the desk computer jockeys. Give us a try. You will not be disappointed!
Why STRETCH-n-GO vs Individual Stretching?
Even though we teach and encourage self stretching for long term goals, some stretches are difficult or not as effective without assistance (eg T1 pec minor). In addition, sometimes it is difficult to assess on your own the degree of tightness. Lastly, with our systematic monitoring process, we can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.
What should I expect on the first exam?
Expect a thorough questioning of your medical history as we need to make sure all bases are covered. Expect a very thorough physical exam to screen all problem areas. Expect you will be listened to and your area of needs to be addressed.
What if I am not happy with my sessions?
We stand behind the quality of our work, so we will work with you to resolve any issues.
What is the cancellation policy for sessions?
A 1-day cancellation notice is required, but would appreciate as much notice as possible. There is a $35 cancellation charge if under 24 hours.